ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


Sarah Jennings

Teaching Ideas

5 Tips for Finding the Perfect International Teaching Position

5 Tips for Finding the Perfect International Teaching Position

Embarking on a career in international teaching is an exciting opportunity to expand your horizons, experience new cultures, and enhance your professional skills. Whether you're a seasoned educator or new to the field, finding the perfect teaching position abroad can be a rewarding but challenging process. This blog offers five essential tips to help you navigate the journey and secure a position that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Table of Contents

Research and Identify Opportunities

Consider Your Qualifications

Prepare Your Documents

Be Flexible and Open-Minded

Follow Up and Stay Persistent


Are you ready to teach English abroad or online?

Research and Identify Opportunities

The first step in securing your ideal international teaching position is to research and identify the available opportunities. Start by exploring countries and regions that interest you and align with your career goals. Identify the types of schools and programmes available in your desired location, and research their requirements and qualifications.

All ITTT graduates have access to our admin team, who can assist in finding employers, recruiters, online and in-class teaching positions around the globe. Our in-class course graduates, in particular, benefit from local job guidance during their course, with employers regularly approaching our training centres for freshly trained teachers who are eager to put their skills to the test. Most trainees interview in the final two weeks of their course, positioning them well for immediate employment. For our online course graduates, a simple enquiry with our admin team grants access to job details and employers in cities that interest them.

Consider Your Qualifications

International teaching positions often have specific requirements and qualifications that you need to meet. In addition to a bachelor's degree and a teaching certification, you may also need experience teaching in your home country. Research the specific qualifications required for the position you're interested in, and ensure you meet them before applying.

ITTT's extensive support doesn't end with the completion of your course. Our admin team is always available to assist graduates with their teaching plans. The interest given to our training centres by local employers and the knowledge of local staff are continuously updated in our database of employers, recruiters, schools, and available teaching positions. This resource is available to all ITTT graduates, ensuring they are well-prepared to meet the specific qualifications and demands of their desired positions.

Prepare Your Documents

Once you've identified opportunities and confirmed that you meet the qualifications, it's time to prepare your documents. Most schools require a CV, a cover letter, and a teaching philosophy statement. Additionally, you may need to provide transcripts, teaching certificates, and letters of recommendation. Tailor your documents to the specific job you're applying for, highlighting relevant experience and qualifications.

Be Flexible and Open-Minded

When searching for international teaching positions, it's essential to be flexible and open-minded. You may need to consider locations you hadn't initially thought about or be open to teaching different year levels or subjects. Additionally, schools may have different teaching styles and approaches than those you are used to, so be prepared to adapt and learn.

ITTT's training includes modules on cultural awareness and adaptability, preparing you to thrive in various teaching environments and helping you to remain open to the diverse opportunities available worldwide.

Follow Up and Stay Persistent

After submitting your application, it's important to follow up and remain persistent. Check in with the school to ensure they received your application and ask if they need any additional information. Keep applying to other opportunities and don't get discouraged if you don't receive a response right away. The job search process can take time, so it's important to stay persistent and patient.


Securing an international teaching position is a journey that requires careful planning, adaptability, and persistence. By following these five tips researching opportunities, considering your qualifications, preparing your documents, staying flexible, and being persistent you can greatly increase your chances of finding the perfect role. With the comprehensive support and resources provided by ITTT, you'll be well-prepared to take on this exciting challenge and embark on a fulfilling career in international teaching.

Are you ready to teach English abroad or online?


Email [email protected] or use the 'contact us' page to discuss our courses and teaching English internationally!
