4 Strategies to Improve Workflow with Classroom Management

The topic will refer mainly to classroom management, I will try to describe what are the roles of both teacher and student, trying to prove how a good management plan can have flourishing results in learning English.
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate MIHAI B. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
First of all, we must take into account students and teachers capabilities, both parties need to work in tandem and create a strong bond between each other based on respect and interest in the topic of English language, this way we can aim for a cohesive and collaborative classroom, no matter if the class is monolingual or multi-cultural. It is true, that in times, during teaching, problems can arise in terms of discipline such as background noises, students speaking one over another, or other disruptive behaviors, they are all taking place mostly because of bad management.
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But how can this be avoided, how can the teacher make sure all students are equally involved in the lesson and give individual attention?
The educator has to achieve the attention of all students and is responsible for making them part of the lesson, this way he can create some divided group activities. Striking a balance between teacher talking time and student talking time maybe a key factor for success. It is indicated for a teacher not to over-elaborate exercises or activities but instead to provide short and clear instructions when it's possible to use gestures for conveying the meaning of language, mime or pictures can be used to add visual interest, keep it as clear and as simple as you can. The teacher's position should permit direct access to target students that need help. Through eye contact, the educator can ensure that students understand what they are supposed to do and what is going on. Good eye contact in the classroom is essential to establish a good rapport with the students, avoiding this practice may prove that the teacher lacks confidence.
Body Language and Voice
Another factor can be the voice intonation. Always bear in mind that the voice should have the correct clarity, range, and variety of projection. The voice should change it' tone naturally and should be adapted to the circumstances, there is no need to use more decibels in a small class or silent speaking in a big university room. The greater the variation of the voice, the greater the effect will be. If the voice is dull, or too slow boredom will appear between students and will destroy their interest. Put the time in learning students names for better accuracy on whom you are referring to, use activities that will trigger random students attention, ask continuous questions to get the attention of the students and put their names at the end of them, this keeps the whole class alert, as they do not know who will have to answer.
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Moral Rules
A good set of moral rules in concordance with the school's curriculum should always be distributed, respected, and documented among the students. If they persist having trouble respecting the classroom rules, try to avoid punishing them and instead ask if they need help on how to focus better in the class, maybe the activity that is presented at the current time is uninteresting and ask them what can be improved, inspire them to talk, re-arrange students if needed also reinforce rules and values that you as a teacher want to see. Making sure that you state rules clearly and going through procedures daily helps minimize disruptions and chaos. Setting a reward system that focuses on both effort and success encourages students to follow rules and promotes self-regulation, to help them to make better choices and be more productive.
Lesson Planning
As a teacher, it is indicated to have a prior set of lesson plans that are in concordance with the school's curriculum appropriate to learner's needs, abilities, or age. These plans will have far-reaching implications for success over the year. Putting together a cohesive plan rather than reacting to interruptive situations allows time for the teacher to respond thoughtfully when problems arise. This process can be achieved in the first month of the semester after applying a diagnostic or placement test to the class. This way the teacher will have a predefined idea of their understanding capabilities, creating a flexible approach towards the class. Another important factor is for the educator to have realistic expectations of how the class performs trying to note down previous lessons peaks and what can be improved, this way he can guide himself about the strengths and weaknesses that both individuals possess, where they tend to appear and on what can be brought to the table regarding learning materials. Materials are important because they can significantly increase the student's learning curve. Learning mediums such as worksheets, group activity instructions, games, or homework assignments, allow you to monitor and activate each student's character and learning style.
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In conclusion, classroom management strategies are all about planning. They allow for a cohesive and collaborative class and can greatly enhance our ability to help each individual succeed. What they learn and how much they learn lies in the work balance. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, and the general public all view classroom management as a critical component of teaching, but becoming an effective classroom manager is not a simple job, but with enough practice, everyone can succeed.
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