What are the requirements for teaching English in South Korea?


1. Qualifications for Teaching English in South Korea
2. Visa Requirements for Teaching English in South Korea
3. Finding a Job Teaching English in South Korea
4. Tips for Success as an English Teacher in South Korea

Qualifications for Teaching English in South Korea

To teach English in South Korea, you typically need a bachelor's degree in any field. However, having a degree in English, Education, or a related field can give you a competitive edge. Additionally, most schools require teachers to have a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate. This certificate can usually be obtained through a short course, either in person or online. Some schools may also require prior teaching experience, though this is not always a strict requirement for all positions.

Visa Requirements for Teaching English in South Korea

In order to teach English in South Korea, you will need to obtain an E-2 visa. To qualify for this visa, you must have a valid passport from a country where English is the primary language. You will also need to undergo a criminal background check and a health check. Additionally, you will need to submit your original diploma and TEFL certificate. The process for obtaining an E-2 visa can vary depending on your home country, so it's important to research the specific requirements for your situation.

Finding a Job Teaching English in South Korea

There are several ways to find a job teaching English in South Korea. One common option is to apply through a recruiting agency that specializes in placing English teachers in South Korean schools. These agencies can help match you with a school that fits your preferences and qualifications. You can also search for job postings on online job boards or directly contact schools in South Korea. It's important to research potential employers and ask questions during the interview process to ensure that the school is a good fit for you.

Tips for Success as an English Teacher in South Korea

To be successful as an English teacher in South Korea, it's important to be culturally sensitive and adaptable. South Korea has a unique culture, and it's important to respect and learn about the customs and traditions of your new home. Additionally, it's helpful to learn some basic Korean language skills to help you navigate daily life and build connections with your students and colleagues. Building strong relationships with your students and colleagues can also enhance your experience as a teacher and help you succeed in your role.

TEFL South Korea TEFL South Korea TEFL South Korea Teaching English in South Korea TEFL South Korea Teaching English South Korea TEFL South Korea Teaching English in South Korea - What you need to know! TEFL South Korea - page 1 Step-By-Step Guide to Legally Teaching English in South Korea - ITTT
