Teach English in Paris and Surrounding Suburbs, France

Date posted:2017-06-29 | Writer: The Turner Learning Center | Email: [email protected]

The Turner Learning Center (TLC) has opportunities for TEFL qualified teachers who are available to start in September of this year. We specialize in offering an enriching academic English language program to students between the ages of 6 and 18 as well as providing specialized and individualized English language programs to adults. We teach in the Paris region and surrounding suburbs in the comforts of our students’ homes. Classes are timetabled so that teachers have convenient schedules and limit travel time to the minimum. Our schedules are planned and fixed for the entire academic year (September 2017 to July 2018). All teachers are expected to work until the 06/07/2018, excluding school holidays.  

Depending on specialism, experience and teachers’ availabilities, we offer between 10 to 20 hours a week of classes per teacher. Our timetabling is extremely compatible for those already working in the French school system as well as the corporate English sector. Our classes mostly function between 17:00-19:30 every evening with all day Wednesday and Saturday possibilities.

We assess our students thoroughly through baseline assessments, annual assessments, and external summative examinations and thus are able to set challenging, clear and achievable goals for our students. We provide all the necessary pedagogy and training for our different programs as well as support for class delivery.

Our students are extremely motivated and committed to learning English to a high standard of proficiency. On average, our EFL students achieve A2 level by the age of 10 - B2 level by the age of 14 and C2 level by the age of 18.

For teachers who are looking for career opportunities, TLC has put in place a career development path with full time opportunities available to teachers who already work with us.


TLC is hiring qualified English teachers:

• who are English language mother tongue speakers or could be considered as mother tongue speakers

• with a French work permit for non EU citizens that is valid at least until July 2018

• with university qualifications

• who are TEFL, TESOL or CELTA trained

• whose DELTA qualification will be rewarded

• whose bachelor of education (with QTS) or PGCE will be rewarded

• whose experience of ESOL exams will be recognised

• whose fluency in French may be needed for some of our courses


Teachers working for TLC hold either a CDI work contract or, if they wish, are registered as independent.

The CDI contract includes the French National Health Insurance and transportation cost partially subsidised by TLC (plus the possibility to join our complementary health insurance) with an attractive hourly wage depending on the following criteria, which could bring the net salary up to 20 euros per hour:

- experience

- qualifications

- number of hours working with TLC

- number of years working with TLC

- TLC’s teaching position, if senior

- quality and promptness of class reports

- lesson preparation

- meeting the terms of contract until the last class scheduled

- attendance at training

Independent teachers have the same wage conditions but can see their hourly rate reach 30 euros per hour. They are however expected to provide TLC with an "attestation de vigilance" every trimester ensuring that they have settled their social taxes which provides them with social insurance coverage.

TO APPLY:Contact us via email at the address given on the job heading.

The Turner Learning Center

33 & 62, rue des Renaudes

Paris  75017


Tel:  +33 (0)1 83 64 54 00

Fax: +33 (0)1 83 64 54 03


Mala MOKTAR, Head Teacher

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


Phonology is the ability to analyze and classify letter sounds. Stress, rhythm, and intonation are all components of phonology or phonetics and should not be ignored. while intonation is the variation in volume in a sentence, stress is considered as the variation in the volume of a single word. The rise and fall of sounds help identify where the stress of a sentence or a word should be.There is such a great range of personalities and learning abilities between 5 and 13 year olds that really need to be taken into account. The way you teach a 5 year old will be completely different from how you teach a 13 year old, which can pose great problems in classrooms with varying ages. I think that keeping the lesson interesting is the most important factor for all age groups.
