Teach English in Tunisia

Date posted:2010-06-09 | Writer: AMIDEAST | Email: [email protected]

AMIDEAST, a non-governmental organization, has 25 positions open in its Tunis office for TEFL or TESOL certified US and non-US native-speaking teachers. Our aim is to strengthen mutual understanding and co-operation between Americans and the peoples of The Middle East and North Africa. We offer a guaranteed contract over the academic year.  Please send your resume, cover letter and scanned main page of your passport to the e-mail addrss given on the job heading.

 22 Rue Al Amine Al Abassi, B.P. 351, Cité Jardina 1002, Tunis, Tunisia; 011-216-71-790559 

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


Actually, it was a little bit difficult to summarize all I know about the materials used in the class. I usually use a course book with a group of students, and the time is decided between created materials and a course book ( 70% to 30%). When I work with individuals it is about 50 % to 50%. I suppose it is very individual whether to use the course book or not, but they certainly have a lot of advantages.This unit and the previous have given more examples of the ESA teaching format. Seeing different examples of the ESA format in action with different goals in mind has been useful to my overall understanding of the ESA format. Before this unit I understood that there was a difference between fluency and accuracy lessons, but this unit has clarified exactly how they differ and the ways each should be taught.
