When writing a TEFL/TESOL CV it is important to make sure that the information you provide is relevant to being an English teacher. There is no need to go into detail about past jobs unless they involved teaching or training. The first things an employer looks for in an applicant are that they have the right qualifications and whether they have any teaching experience. Therefore you should make these easily visible on the first page of your CV. When it comes to listing your employment history you should only go into detail about past employment if you were involved in teaching or training, otherwise you can just list the job title, dates and company name.
Correct spelling and grammar is important in any CV but it’s even more important when applying for a job as an English teacher. Check your completed CV thoroughly several times and also ask someone else to look at it for you. A fresh pair of eyes is more likely to spot errors that you may have missed.
Presentation is also an important factor when writing a good TEFL/TESOL CV. Your CV is not the place to start experimenting with all the different fonts available in your word processor. Choose a font that is plain and easy to read. Avoid the use of all capitals and do not try to jazz up the document with a wide variety of bullet points. Keep the use of bullet points, bold and underlining to a minimum and do not go wild with the colour palette.

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