Outlined above are some of the possible jobs teachers can take in order to move on in their EFL career. Below we expand a little more on what each role involves.
Teacher Trainer – This position is one that some teachers move onto after teaching for a couple of years. Duties often include teaching a particular module of the course such as grammar, phonology, lesson planning etc. Teacher trainer jobs can be found advertised online but your best bet may be to remain in contact with the centre where you completed your initial training.
Director of Studies – The Director of Studies (DOS) is a senior managerial position that includes overseeing the academic program, managing a successful teaching team, providing support and training for teachers, helping the school to grow and many other responsibilities.
School Manager – The School Manager or Centre Manager usually has responsibility for the whole school including staff, students, courses, budgets etc.
Teacher Recruitment – Becoming a teacher recruiter can be a great way to take your EFL career in a different direction. Recruiters work for schools to provide suitably qualified teachers when needed.
Course Book Sales – Course book sales is another way to move beyond the classroom but remain in the EFL industry. Connections made while teaching can come in useful and being fluent in your host country’s language is a definite advantage.
Course Book Writing – Many writers of popular EFL course books started out as English teachers themselves. Working as a teacher gives you the necessary insight into what would make a quality course book for both students and teachers alike.
TOEFL/IELTS Examiner – As you get more experience as an English teacher and gain further qualifications another employment option is becoming an examiner for English tests such as IELTS or TOEFL. You will need at least a recognised undergraduate degree and a recognised TEFL qualification.
Opening Your Own School – If you are business minded, opening your own school is always a possibility.

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