General English course books for young learners differ from those for adults in a number of ways. Obviously the types of topics will be geared towards the interests of younger people but there are also differences in the way the language is presented. Grammar chants are a popular method of drilling grammar points in books for young learners and while course books for adults will generally have sections with explicit presentations of a grammar point, books for young learners do not usually cover grammar in such detail, especially those for very young learners.
There are several publishers involved in producing general English course books for young learners. The main publishers are Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press. These two publishers produce course books across a range of ESL sectors including, young learners, adults, business English, and English for specific purposes.
Depending on where you are teaching, you should be able to find a selection of course books for young learners at your local bookstore in the EFL section. If they don’t have what you are looking for in stock, they should be able to order it for you. Otherwise you can order the books online from Amazon or direct from the website of the publisher. Although most schools will already have a course book for you to use while teaching, in some countries with fewer resources you may find that you have to provide all your own materials. In cases like this it is a good idea to buy yourself a set of books covering a range of levels to help when planning your lessons. It is also a good idea to have your own books if you are teaching privately.

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