ITTT offers three ways of earning your TEFL certificate. These are in-class, online and a combination of the two. But how do they differ and which course is the right one for you? The first option is the in-class course and this is best for those who like a structured study environment and have the ability to attend a four week on-site course. Trainees on the in-class courses benefit from the more than 120 hours of study time the course involves, plus the advice of experienced and qualified teacher trainers.
You will also receive six to ten hours of observed teaching practice giving you the chance to earn valuable practical experience and feedback on your teaching. Upon graduation of the in-class course you will receive an internationally recognised certificate and lifetime job support. The next option is the online courses. These courses represent outstanding value for money with prices starting as low as US$ 190. The courses available range from 60-hour introductory TEFL courses to more the more advanced 370-hour Diploma in TESOL. We also offer a standard 120-hour TEFL course and two specialised courses in teaching English to young learns and teaching business English.
All these courses are studied 100% online and are available with or without tutor support. Graduates will receive an internationally recognised certificate and lifetime job placement guidance. The final choice offers trainees the best of both worlds when it comes to online and in-class courses. The combined course has been designed for those who prefer to do the majority of their studying in their own time and in the comfort of their own home or office but who still require the valuable experience that in-class sessions and observed teaching practice can give.
With this option you study the theory 100% online with the support of a highly experienced online tutor. Once the online component is complete you can then attend one of our training centres for practical teaching sessions and advice from our teacher trainers. All combined course graduates will receive an internationally recognised certificate as well as our lifetime job placement assistance.

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