Capital city
Typical TEFL teacher salary
2,500 zloty / month
Major TEFL locations
The Country
Poland is said to have more English teaching opportunities than anywhere else in Europe. Demand in Poland for our certified graduates is as high as it gets in Europe. With the help of our lifetime assistance finding jobs, you’re almost certain to find yourself in a classroom in no time.
Positions teaching English in Poland are available countrywide, in both the state and private sector, in language schools, institutes and inside major corporations. Salaries are high by local standards and you should be able to live comfortably.
Jobs are advertised year round on the many EFL job web sites and with our help, you should find work easily. We’ll provide you with a list of potential employers, direct you to unadvertised job offers and walk you through the application process.
Contracts are usually for one year unless applying mid-way during the academic year. Polish people are friendly and motivated, and have high respect for teachers. Teachers are usually provided a year-long curriculum. Most schools acknowledge that although a curriculum has been provided, teachers can adapt lesson content to meet students’ requirements.